PRESS RELEASE – Brussels, 28 November 2017 – One year ago, the European Commission
presented the Clean Energy for All Europeans legislative package, but it’s headline target of 27%
renewable energy by 2030 fell short of its ambitions. With today’s vote, adopting a target of at
least 35% renewables, the European Parliament Committee for Industry, Research and Energy
puts the EU within reach of meeting its objective of being world leader in renewables.
“In view of the Paris agreement, we need a strong national obligation besides ambitious targets
of at least 35 %, ” said Dr. Dörte Fouquet, Director, EREF
James Watson, CEO of SolarPower Europe adds “We welcome the approval of a EU binding
renewable target of at least 35% by 2030. Through this vote MEPs send a clear signal to the
industry, that investments in renewables must follow at least the same pace than in the last
decade. We now call on the Council to endorse these ambitions and make sure they will be
delivered through a robust Governance framework”

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