Next to its policy and communications activities to promote the interests of the European renewable energy sector, EREF, supported by relevant members and sponsors, carries out additional specific activities, so-called campaigns.
EREF’s Small Hydropower Chapter, composed of national (small) hydropower associations from EU Member States, represents the interest of the European small hydropower sector by promoting the benefits and opportunities for small hydropower at EU level to secure and enhance its place as an equally important part in the EU renewable energy mix and to create business opportunities for the many small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Europe.
The Chapter campaigns for favourable and secure, long-term investment conditions for the small hydropower sector, the removal of barriers to hydropower development and an increase in hydro-electricity production in Europe and abroad.
EREF focuses on the alignment of the objectives of the Renewable Energy and the Water Framework Directives. EREF informs decision-makers about the sustainable quality of modern hydropower technology which enables an entente cordial between environment and energy objectives.
EREF cooperates with the International Centre on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP), the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) the International Hydropower Association (IHA), the Working Group Hydro of Eurelectric and the VGB to collect data on and to promote the European small hydropower industry.