The HYPOSO Project aims at supporting the European hydropower industry while at the same time fostering a sustainable development in selected target countries in Africa and Latin America.

One of the main project activities include the set-up and maintenance of the HYPOSO Platform that lists European hydropower companies that develop small hydropower projects outside Europe and seek business partners and opportunities in Africa and Latin America. For all project activities, results and events, please check the project website.

Consortium Partners


1to3 Capital


Centro Latinoamericano para la Pequeña Hidroelectrica
(CELAPEH – Colombia)


Escuela Politécnica Nacional
(EPN – Ecuador)


European Renewable Energies Federation
(EREF – Belgium)


Hydro Power Association of Uganda Limited

(HPAU – Uganda)


IHE Delft Institute for Water Education
(IHE Delft – Netherlands)


Instytut Maszyn Przepływowych PAN
(IMP PAN – Poland)


(SHW – Cameroon)


Studio Frosio


TRMEW sp. z o.o.


Universidad Mayor de San Simón
(UMSS – Bolivia)


Vytauto Didžiojo Universitetas
(VDU – Lithuania)


WIP Renewable Energies
(WIP – Germany)

The HYPOSO is a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No. 857851
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