EREF is the European federation of national renewable energy associations from across EU Member States, representing all renewable energy sectors. For more than 20 years, the Federation has been defending the interests of independent, renewable-sourced producers of power, fuel and heat, and promotes giving non-discriminatory access to the energy market.

EREF strives to create, maintain, and further develop stable and reliable framework conditions for renewable energy sources, strongly advocating for the full decarbonisation of the European energy systems and markets, which need to be transformed and based on fully decentralized generation from renewable sources.

EREF builds the capacity and competence among its members to make full use of all existing rules and for creating and maintaining a favourable policy and regulatory environment that enables further independent growth and substance, and provides support to renewable energy producers.

EREF keeps renewables stakeholders informed and involved by monitoring legal, policy and market developments, flagging unfair advantages given to incumbent industries by open and hidden, legal and illegal subsidies.

Promoting an EU-wide network of key contacts for renewables 


EREF connects authorities and relevant climate and energy stakeholders, including policymakers in Brussels and across Europe’s capitals or regions, experts from the RES industry, academia, and civil society. This helps designing better policies that can ensure reaching high renewables target by 2030, by exchanging best practices and addressing regulatory gaps and barriers that persist at national and sub-national levels. Here, EREF acts as information hub between EU and its Member States, fostering the dialogue among competent EU institutions and our member organisations – who are leading renewables associations at national level and have long-standing position in renewable energy development, both in policy and implementation. This dialogue is based on EREF’s role in improving EU climate and energy legislation, with the objective to integrate higher RES shares into Europe’s markets and systems. On the one hand, EREF builds its advocacy work and the formulation of recommendations on expertise that is available among its national member organisations, passing on valuable and practical insights on opportunities and barriers to competent EU institutions – who in return are enabled to take informed decisions. On the other, EREF helps renewable power producers anticipate the consequences legal and policy reforms can have on the national market environment in which they operate, by disseminating early and accurate information on trends and implementation pathways of regulatory frameworks evolution.
EREF is a founding member of IRENA’s multi-stakeholder Coalition for Action and the World Alliance for Efficient Solutions. The federation is member of the Renewable Energy Industry Advisory Board (RIAB) of the IEA (International Energy Agency). EREF is also a member of REN21 (the global renewable energy policy multi-stakeholder network) and its Steering Committee; the Global 100% Renewable Energy Platform, and ECEEE (the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy). The Federation is non-profit and governed by EREF’s Statutes and Bylaws.

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