The European Union has made a clear commitment to have global leadership in renewables and energy
efficient solutions. The Clean Energy Package should be the main driver of this ambition.
To achieve this objective, the new Electricity Market Design framework must take a balanced approach
appropriately recognizing the benefits of small scale, clean, and locally owned installations. These will be
the backbone of a digitalized, decarbonized and increasingly distributed energy system, empowering energy
consumers and territories (e.g. households, hospitals, public buildings, hotels, etc.).
The signatories of this declaration urge policy makers to acknowledge the specificities of smallscale renewable, and high efficiency cogeneration installations as well as demonstration projects,
by strengthening the European Commission’s proposal on Article 4 paragraph 2 on balancing
responsibilities and supporting Article 11 paragraph 2 and 3 on priority of dispatch for small
installations, as part of the recast of the electricity market design regulation COM (2016) 861.

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