Our organizations are committed to delivering a clean energy futurefor Europe in both the short and the long term. Renewables are the foundations of an economically, ecologically, and socially flourishing future. They create more jobs and lead to more prosperity than conentional energy. Last month, the European institutions agreed on parts of the clean energy packagesfor all Europe-ans by adopting the Renewable Energy Directive, the Governance regulation and the Energy Effi-ciency Directive, the first tep have been taken.

The second part of the negotiations will concern the Market Design Directive and Regulation, which need to strengthen the provisions made in the first step of the clean Energy package. These files offers a unique opportunity to transform fossil-focused, inflexible electricity markets into Renewable Energy Markets. This would thus enable and increase the uptake the renewable energy and create the level playing field necessary fir achieving European’s mid and long-term decarbonization goals, as well as providing European Technological leadership. the signatories of this letter welcome the Austrian counsil presidency spearheading the nagotiations. We call on them and the national gov-ernment to ensure.

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