EREF Press Release
EREF restructured its leadership

Brussels, September 2019

Since 20 years, EREF represents national renewable energy associations from all over EU in Brussels. We represent the voice of independent power producers of all types of renewable energy sources, under strict sustainability criteria. We work in the interest of citizen projects, energy communities and SMEs. We want a forceful, speedy change in Europe for a 100 % renewable energy world, as soon as possible and much earlier than the neoliberal undercurrents are willing to accept.

EREF President António Sá da Costa: “We decided during our last Board meeting to underline the enormous engagement and work of our Senior Policy Advisor Dirk Hendricks. Dirk will from now on work as Secretary General of EREF in continuous close cooperation with our Director Dr. Dörte Fouquet. Dörte Fouquet is since 20 years the strong voice for renewables and system change in Brussels and both are very pleased to have received this appreciation of their work.”

Dirk Hendricks works for EREF since February 2015. As former Secretary General of the European Small Hydropower Association (ESHA) and Director of the EU Liaison Office of the World Future Council Foundation, Dirk Hendricks focussed on the promotion of renewables in the EU and Africa. He participated in the development of the current Renewable Energy Directive and its implementation and specialised in renewable financing schemes. His previous positions have provided him with an in-depth knowledge of a wide range of environmental topics.

For more information on this matter, please contact

Dr. Dörte Fouquet                                                         Dirk Hendricks
EREF Director                                                                    EREF Secretary General              

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